Since the apocalypse hasn’t yet trended this year, I think it’s safe to say that we dodged another bullet folks! Job well done! But just because we’re not on a trajectory orbit to plunge into the most recently discovered asteroid and subsequently eternal darkness doesn’t mean that we can’t pretend… If I only had 11 more days on this earth, and was forced to spend it playing games, here’s what I would do.
At Dear Backlog, we have lots of deeply rooted, shameful gaming secrets that should they ever come out, we might be forced to actually deal with them. Well, I can’t bear this burden with my merely mortal shoulders anymore. Plus, we’ll all be kapooie in about 264 more hours, so what the hell! I’ve got nothing to lose. The truth is, I’ve never played Mass Effect 2 or 3. The original Mass Effect, which I’ve beaten twice, is one of my favorite games and set the stage for the most exciting sci-fi universe since Star Wars. So in my pending death, let it be known that I would finally cross Mass Effect 2 and 3 off my Backlog.
I picked Mass Effect not just because it’s a game I know I would enjoy, but also because I believe that it is one of the greatest accomplishments in interactive media. It’s a Triple-A title that captured the imaginations of a generation and actually came through on it’s promises. We were able to play one character, our character through 3 games and now Commander Shepard is a household name in the gaming community. It offered us branching paths and choices that felt weighty. It sold well and caused uproar when players felt the ending wasn’t perfectly executed. It was all there.
The cool thing about this quasi-end of year/life resolution is that I might just be able to pull it off. I do have 10 days off for the holidays. My roommate did just beat Mass Effect for the 2nd time, all but forcing him to hop on Amazon and order a copy of 2 and 3. And I do feel like playing it.
What are your plans for the holiday break? If you only had 11 more days before being scorched from the face of the earth, what game would you play? I know I technically said two games, but the rules for the purpose of this article is that you just have to keep it in the family. Please feel free to let us know in the comments below or hit us up on on twitter.
You can follow me @derrick_be if you want to see how I end up spending my extra time! It might not be Mass Effect, but surely it will be sprinkled with cool games.
Anyways, Happy Holidays to you all! Thanks for stopping by and reading Dear Backlog. It’s a labor of love and we love you! Cheers!
- Derrick Bettis