
Monday, January 18, 2016

My Top 5 Star Wars Moments in Video Games

These are my top 5 Star Wars moments in video games. The moments that I’ll never forget. They’re specific to my playthroughs, but perhaps you will see what made them special while reading this article. Enjoy!

(Credit for the picture goes to MakingPicsSlowly)

Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (PC, Mac, Xbox, Gamecube)

Two Pillars on the Streets of Bespin:

You are Kyle Katarn; a mercenary who’s recently rediscovered his connection to the force. As you scour the streets of Bespin in search of vengeance for your comrades death, you come upon two pillars. The architecture of these pillars is unlike any you’ve seen thus far. They demand your attention and for the first time since receiving your lightsaber, you stop.

And you breathe.

It truly is a beautiful sight, yet there’s something off-putting about the serenity; it seems out of place. The dark side is here and you must face this trial. Doubt begins to cloud your mind. You fear that you may not be strong enough to face what’s ahead, but there is no other way. Resolve takes the first step as you move towards your fate.

Two Pillars.

Two Reborn reveal themselves.

*the sound of lightsabers*

Watch this scene here.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC, Xbox)

Your Relationship with Bastila:

Passion is within us all. As a Jedi, you’re taught to avoid it. Simple enough… that is until you meet Bastila and the bond you share with her is greater than anything you’ve felt before…

Bastilla: You’re the one who can’t face the truth! Malak has to be stopped. How can I do that if I let myself be blinded by my feelings for you?

You: I’m going to stop Malak, Bastilla. But I want to do it with you by my side.

Bastilla: You… you mean it, don’t you? But how can I be sure you aren’t making a mistake. I… I have to resist. I have to be strong for both of us.

Watch the full scene here.

Passion has good intentions. It can be a powerful fuel to accomplish great things. At first, it may seem confusing that Bastila would want to withhold her true feelings for you, but she is wise beyond her years. She knows that passion can also blind. An emotion that starts as love can quickly dilute into jealousy and hate. Bastila knows that the galaxies best chance at redemption lies devoid of passion; the one battle that very few Jedi have conquered.

Excerpt from the Jedi and Sith Code respectively:

Jedi Code: There is no passion, there is serenity.

Sith Code: Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Star Wars: The Old Republic (PC)

The Beginning of an Inquisitor/Warrior:

You’re staring out into the vastness that is Korriban. Up until now, you’ve only heard tales of the red planet; tales that warn against the dark energy that call this place home. You feel it’s pull in the form of curiosity and realize this place is alive and it has a story. Hopes of immortality rise up from depths not yet fully accessed as your eyes wonder about the Valley of the Dark Lords. A temple looms in the background. A datacron shines in the sand beyond. Your story has just begun as you descend the mountainous pathway and begin your trials in the cave below...

Rakghoul Plague World Event:

A quarantine of Tatooine is reported across the galaxy. Rakghouls, a non-sentient mutated race, are said to have been spotted on the planet spreading a terrible virus among any that come into contact with them. The possibility that the rakghouls may be harnessed for the dark side outweigh the imminent danger that they pose. You must investigate.

Heading to your ship, a new protocol droid greets you in the hangar. The droid performs a scan and asks if you’ve been feeling under the weather as of late. You have been throwing up periodically since being coughed on in the cantina, though you’ve thought nothing of it up to this point. It shouldn’t be anything to worry about.

Before you know it, you’re dodging blaster fire as you dash into your Fury-class interceptor. The words “Rakghoul” and “Plague” are being thrown at you by quarantine droids as the ship doors close. You escape just before reinforcements arrive.

Rakghoul Plague.

It echoes in your mind as you jump to lightspeed on a flight course to Tatooine.

While eavesdropping in the local cantina, you hear talk of a ship that recently crash landed. You mark the coordinates in your datapad and hop on your speeder. As you cross the desert, shadows sporadically appear at a distance too far to make out. They disappear just as fast. Either your mind is playing tricks on you or you’re being watched…

It must be a mirage.

You arrive at your destination. Sure enough, the crash site is scattered with infected passengers. After fending off one of the stronger ones, you find a datapad that confirms your fears.

This is an outbreak. There’s no telling how far it’s spread, but it’s already been over 48 hours. A cure must be found.

Upon further investigation you learn that a hostile beast, known by locals as Urtagh, has been attacked by rakghouls yet somehow avoided infection. This is the key. A cure might lie in it’s blood. You gather a team of Imperials to recover the beast’s body.

As you approach the site, there appear to be a few Jedi with similar plans. Your team easily runs them off.

Urtagh is indeed scraped and bitten by what looks to be rakghoul markings. The beast is weak, but your team begins fighting with everything they’ve got. The body must be recovered. The battle begins to turn in your favor as one of your operatives discovers a blind spot in Urtagh’s sight. The beast is almost subdued when…

"Luke, we're gonna have company!" - Han Solo, Star Wars: A New Hope

In all fairness, you were a little harsh on the Jedi when you ran them off. Now the Republic is back in full force with Alpha Company and they want a shot at the vaccine. A cure will be essential. And in the right hands, it may be worth billions of credits.

But sending Alpha Company... the Republic must also be trying to send a message…

You command your squad to double down on the beast in hopes that a blood sample can be recovered from it’s impenetrable body before Alpha Company overwhelms you. Urtagh finally goes down, but it’s too late. Three of your squad mates fall as you retreat. Alpha Company pursues relentlessly and it seems they’re getting greedy.

What’s left of your team manages to reach an imperial outpost. It was an embarrassing loss, but Urtagh was the mission; not Alpha Company. Now it seems the Republic has won on two fronts. They won the battle and they have the body.

Incoming message.

It’s one of your operatives. She went covert and stayed behind when Alpha Company began attacking. After they left in pursuit she was able to recover numerous blood samples from the body. She asks if it would be advantageous to burn the remains.

Alpha Company and the Republic will pay for their error today.

Star Wars: Battlefront (PC, PS4, Xbox One)

First Impressions:

I’ve done my very best to convey what it was like to experience my top 5 Star Wars video game moments. The last one I’m going to share with you is more of a recommendation. You don’t need my experiences in the Star Wars universe to live this one. All you need is a copy of Star Wars: Battlefront. It’ll take you right there.

Thanks again for reliving these great memories with me. There’s a lot more that I could share and I’m sure you’ve got some you’d like to add so I’ll see you in the comments!

May the force be with you.



  1. Great list! Everyone should have a save file of the Two Pillars fight ready to play on their PC.

    1. did you watch the video lol i spent hours watching people take out the two reborn. i need to go back and play this game thru!! wookiepeedia makes me want to go back to the very first one!!
